Category Archives: Refresh and reset

Backyard trees

Writing Craft: Creative Shifts and Shorts

Life really runs just so smoothly, right? Nah! I began writing this post in May, the month celebrating the Short Story. I planned to blog about changing formats to challenge your growth as a writer, in my case, writing shorts instead of working on my usual long-format novel. You guys know I can’t resist stretching my chops and working on writing craft.

But, now it’s June. I’m just posting this, and all I can do is chuckle. And grab a cold glass of something refreshing. Because here in Florida, the temps are rising, and summer has hit the ground running.

Despite the heat, I love to write outside on our screen porch, which is a tad cluttered—read: tools, coolers, spare deck chairs, and general et cetera—but the view of our jungle (AKA, the backyard) is great for a creative boost.

And oftentimes a change of scenery, even a small one like moving from office to porch, can make a big creative difference. As I write and study the craft, anything that can enhance creativity helps. Sometimes, that’s a scenery shift, sometimes a format change to write something brilliant and brief.

It’s from the wacky screen porch that I wrote two short stories these past two months. And guess what? One of those stories has been selected for publication in an anthology. Woo hoo! You might recall I mentioned the Florida Writers Association Collection contest. The contest is open to poetry and short stories of up to 1200 words, a length which is definitely not my strong suit.

This year’s Collection theme was the unignorable Secrets, so I decided to submit a piece. I have entered this contest in the past, to no avail. But you only get better with practice, and that’s definitely true of writing craft.

You all already know I primarily write novels. Long, descriptive, but hopefully compelling, page-turning novels. I love to plunge into action, adventure, characters’ brains and emotions, food, travels, all that good stuff that drives a reader through every page. Novels are my happy place.

So, for me to shift to writing a short story is a real trick, and one I’m working on doing better. Because the thing is, a short story is basically a very short novel, meaning, that tiny piece of writing must contain all the elements of the novel with thousands fewer words. Yikes. By contrast, my novels run in the 70-90,000-word range. You can see the challenge this presents for a writer like me.

And maybe now you can see the appeal, too. Every author wants to improve, wants to hone their writing craft and make it readable, enjoyable, or gripping. I’m pretty okay (so I’m told) at putting together decent imagery, fun vignettes, things of that nature. If you’re keen, I post some of those under the Writing Snippets section here at my site. But they’re not all short stories, with a story arc, character development, conflict, etc. and the other elements of a true SS.

Writing the shorts these past months really challenged how I wrote, what I wrote about, and how good my recall of Grammar 101 was (it wasn’t!). ;P So, I hit some hurdles while working on my submissions. But the experience of writing a full story, succinctly, was excellent. If you’re interested in some smart tips for writing shorts from uber-knowledgeable folks, follow these two links to learn more: Writer’s Digest and Grammarly.

I can say honestly—especially after hearing about my anthology contest selection—that the experience was really worth the effort of writing something outside my wheelhouse. It sure helps when that effort is rewarded.

I haven’t heard back yet about the second contest I entered, for AutoCrit, so I’ll stay positive on that score. Once the judging ends and all the legalities are sorted, I’ll share the news.  

In the meantime, this creative shift should help me refocus as I return to writing Book 3 of my series. Sometimes all we need is that bit of clarity that comes from a change of perspective.

Thanks again for visiting. And please let me know in the comments how you like to mix things up with your writing craft. Would love to hear what works for you!


Get Out of My Head

A new year has begun, but I’m the same old me, still trying to get out of my head at times. Does that sound like you, too?

Happy New Year, dear readers and friends, and welcome to 2023! This year has already started out with some flips and flops, and I’ve found myself struggling to get out of my head, to find the words I want for the places I want them. Those of you who’ve bumped along beside me on my writing journey know how much I love to write. You also know how challenging I sometimes find doing so. This year is no different, with some residual and new setbacks along for the ride.

Since that is life as we all know it, I took myself off for a short walk in the beautiful sunshine and moderate temps of north Florida, and I pondered my next post.

As I did, I focused on my current issues and what I would like to know at this particular moment in time. That’s how I hit on the topic for this blog, how to get out of my head.

First for the bad part: I don’t know how to get out of your head. And I don’t have a magic formula, especially not one that works for everyone, which I doubt exists anywhere in the universe. But I did come up with a thought, simple and hopefully helpful, to share with you.

Experiment until you find something or someplace which lets you detach completely for a time. That gives you the freedom to stop thinking. That engrosses you so fully you temporarily let go of your worries and your conscious thoughts and just do.

This thing or place could be just about anything, so I suggest having as much fun as you can while you explore your options. Guess what my distraction is? Shooting hoops. Yep, basketball! I love shooting baskets so much, yet having our own backyard hoop was a completely random occurrence.

My husband and I found an abandoned, freestanding basketball hoop at one of the fixer project houses we renovated. The hoop had been lying on the ground, half covered by weeds, beat-up and broken looking. I didn’t give it much thought beyond how clunky and worn it appeared.

A week later, however, I looked out our back windows, and what do I see standing tall and straight at the edge of our concrete patio? The hoop! Okay … us not having kids, I thought, hmm, what’re two creaky middle-agers going to do with a basketball hoop and with all of our “free time”?

Turns out, I now make time, even if that’s only 5 or 10 minutes, and just hurl our yellow-and-lime-green basketball toward that round metal circle, waiting to hear the whoosh of all net and the thwap of the ball on the concrete, and I relax. It’s incredible. And who knew?

Our Basketball Hoop

Well, someone else does, probably, but the peace and detachment (in the good way) that I feel when playing surprised me (in the best way), and I’m so grateful my hub thought the hoop would be fun and transported the heavy, enormous thing all the way to our house. Yay! (Aside, a quick search led me to this post with other basketball games to try, if you’re interested.)

So, while shooting baskets works wonders for my brain (and it’s pretty good for my body, too), you’ll need to find that which works for you. And I hope you do.

We all need to feel like we can let go, disconnect in that positive way, so I encourage you to experiment until you find your detachment-from-the-mayhem button.

Oddly, another activity that works wonders for my brain is laying floors. That, however, is neither always available as an option, nor particularly happy for my back to endure. Still … it’s good to have choices for getting out of my head. 😛 Check this out, one of our renovated kitchens and check out that floor I helped lay! 🙂

And funny enough, walking obviously doesn’t do it for me. I pretty much never detach from my thoughts and worries then. Quite the opposite, walking allows my brain free rein to roam and helps me find new paths in my writing and my life. Supremely important in its own way. 😉

Thanks again for stopping by, guys. I wish you success in finding your way, and I hope this post gives you a starting point. Keep on keeping on! And if you’d like to share what works for you in the comment section below, I’d love to hear!

PS–If you’re interested in reading a bit more about the need to reset the brain, check out this older post of mine. Hope you enjoy it!


Starting Fresh. Again.

A Fresh Day

So. A little bit of time has passed between my posts once again. Shocker. 😉 For those of you rejoining me here as I’m starting fresh, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Many of you have followed my story online since I created my website and started blogging in 2015. Just before then, I’d done a major life reset by leaving my job of 16+ years, moving solo from NYC to Florida, and publishing my first adventure-mystery novel.

That’s what I call a pretty good reset. A pretty eye-opening one, too.

I’d spent most of my life prior in a semi-content stasis with little large-scale change, and oftentimes loaded with feelings of boredom and loneliness. That first major reset has been hugely wonderful—not without problems, of course—but worth the world to me.

Something I tried to learn from that shift is how to be comfortable with change.

Because periodically since then, I’ve been hitting that reset button. Write and publish novels? Ding! Insinuate myself into the design and construction fields? Ding! Design and renovate fixer homes? Ding! Which of late has been both my major time draw and my creative outlet. Utterly challenging, utterly rewarding.

And now, close to 10 years later, I’m facing another potentially huge reset. In some ways, I feel I’ve come full-circle, because I’m now able to refocus on writing. This came about in a frustrating, wacky way—and let me tell you, it’s been a year, again—but I’m working on my flexibility and am focusing my creativity once more on writing. It feels a little like coming home. 🙂

So, starting fresh for me, with this, certainly isn’t starting from scratch. More, it’s revisiting where my heart took me before, and finding new avenues to happiness. It’s about keeping my head up as I wander, looking forward instead of down. Not because of FOMO, rather, because of the importance of paying attention to and appreciating what’s here and now. The little things, like ducks, and the big things. 😉 Of course, it helps to exercise that ol’ peripheral vision. Like the rest of you, I try to keep from stumbling on the sidewalk cracks or getting tossed by a rogue wave.

Looking Ahead to a Fresh Start
Looking Down Does Help

And as ever, focusing reminds me of all that I have to be grateful for: life, love, home, health, the list is long and worth reflecting on. Always, but especially when life throws those unexpected resets your way. 😉

Thanks again for spending time here with me. I’m still slow to dive into social media, but I’m gradually returning to a few bits I enjoy, where I can engage with my friends and readers. Hope to see you there. And here again, soon!

#grateful #keepwriting #keepreading #writingcommunity #readingcommunity


Love in a Time of Corona

Well. Today’s reality in no way, shape, or form is anything like what I could’ve imagined one year ago.

Last May (May the 4th Be With You, to be exact for my Star Wars fans), my husband and I finally celebrated our wedding by renewing our vows in front of our family and friends. We had such an incredible time, sharing the experience with loved ones from far and near who couldn’t be with us the first time around.

Things are so different this May. We’ve now been living with the specter of the coronavirus (COVID-19) for many months, and life is so bizarre. I haven’t blogged in eons. Partly, because doing so feels more than a little out-of-whack with all that’s been going on—all the devastating loss, all the confusion, all the misinformation that surrounds us.

I’ve had to curtail my time spent online and on social media. Reading incessantly about the deaths and the lack of answers took an emotional and mental toll on me. It’s too easy to become overwhelmed. And I haven’t wanted to add to the bullshit by becoming part of the noise.

I’ve also continued to work at my other job, considered an essential business. Increased hours there have wiped me out, but also, the presence of so many customers—people who should’ve stayed home but couldn’t take the cabin fever and so they ventured out—has added to my stress level.

That said, though, I still feel the tug of the blank page. I long to tell my stories and, hopefully, to bring a few moments of enjoyment or happiness or escape to my readers.

So I decided to write this blog post. And while I’m brainstorming subplots before beginning Book 3, I’ve written a short story I plan to publish soon, a creepy little affair with a fun twist. I really love writing in a different genre while getting my head together to work on a novel. I have to say, writing definitely helps sort me out and feel human again. 😉

And so it goes.

As for me, I’ll do my best to keep posting periodically. To check in and hopefully offer a mini diversion from reality.

To you, my friends and readers, I wish you all safety, peace, health, comfort, kindness, and patience. We have a long road to travel—and everyone’s path will be different—but we have made it this far. We can make it the rest of the way.

Sending six-feet-distant virtual hugs to you and yours. #grateful #keepwriting #keepreading #staysafe #community




When the holidays roll around each year, I try to pause for a few minutes and recall the events of the past months. To contemplate the good and the bad, the twists and the turns, and to revel in making it through another three sixty-five.

This year is no different. Though perhaps I’m starting a little earlier, trying a little harder to be mindful of what’s happened, how precious life is, how important it remains—every day—to be grateful for all the positive people and things in my life.

As continues to be the case year after year, 2019 presented more than its share of challenges. Even so, I’d rather focus on the good and carry the positives with me into next year and the one after.

To that end, I decided to keep this post short and share a few of the simple things I’m ridiculously grateful for:

  • sweet, gorgeous, and goofy smiles from my husband, and the mornings he makes me coffee while putting away the dishes
  • Cuzzie’s warm-fuzzy socks
  • watching seagulls fly over Route 1, far from the beach
  • the scent of woodsmoke from our neighbors’ chimneys and fire pits mingling with the apple-crisp fall air
  • random texts and goofy friends
  • family surprises, pitch-ins, celebrations, and remembrances
  • so many wonderful books
  • making guláš from scratch that tastes almost as good as my mother-in-law’s—according to the hub!!
  • writer friends laughing and supporting as much as critiquing and helping make my work better
  • Harry Honda starting right up on a cold morning after I’d left the overhead light burning the night before (even though I’d reminded myself to turn it off)
  • racing down a dark street on a friend’s speedy electric scooter, trying not to wobble or fall off while the gang cheered me on
  • living in a town with its own fort!
  • random customers dealing with issues who still strive to be polite while working to resolve the problems
  • the openness of the sky, where so much is visible: sunlight, clouds, rainstorms, birds
  • dear family and friends, old and new, near and far, who add so much love, laughter, and chaos—I mean excitement 🙂 —to our lives

And you know I’d be remiss if I didn’t add something book-wise. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to write and publish the stories I love with the support of family and friends and readers. Sharing my stories is a dream come true. And I so appreciate having readers who enjoy them and ask for more.

Treasure Bound
Treasure Bound, Book 2 of The Treasure Quest Series

I hope this post gave you a chance to think about your own year gone by. And perhaps you’ll take a moment now to share a warm thought or kind word or smile with someone just because. Thanks for reading…always. #grateful 🙂


A Writer’s Refresh

Sometimes, I need to hit the refresh button. Both in life and in writing. How about you? These past few months, I’ve been pinballing fast once again. (Not that I’ve ever really stopped, I suppose.) 😉  But, rolling with that “work in progress” thing I’ve got going, I do my best to keep up.

But then you realize, it’s time to pause and flick that switch.



On the happy side of the zigzagging, I have some good news: I haven’t been idle writing-wise on my book. If you guys recall, it was a year ago June that I had my first cow, (click here in case you missed that blog), when I realized about half of my sequel novel to Emerald Obsession remained written only in my notebooks and my brain and not on the computer as it should’ve been. Oy, I tell ya! Then in February, I described my mini cow, which you can find by clicking here.

But on the plus side is that for these past few months, I’ve been writing away—yes, writing on the computer and adding to—the sequel, still lovingly referred to as Treasure Bound. And guess what?

I’ve added 19,000 words to the story! Woooo hooo! Which means I’ve finally gotten much of the secondary plot line from my head into the Word doc. YAY!! I’m so pleased!

But, okay, this isn’t the time for me to rest on my laurels, per se. This is simply my reset period. I still have tons of work to do. But………….I’m happy to feel I made the kind of progress I needed to at this stage.

My next step, and part of the refresh and reset—which I’m currently in the midst of, hence having time to focus on this blog—has me putting aside the edits for a couple of weeks to clear out my brain. (Not of everything, I hope, but of just enough to give me a breather from focusing all my writerly attention on TB.)

Creative Brain

After these weeks are up, I’ll print out the current TB, and then I’ll reread EO and TB as quickly as I can in succession, looking for any holes and inconsistencies, checking flow, and overall reviewing everything. After that, if things go smoothly (please, please, please, and fingers crossed!), then it’s on to the next stage of professional editing. Whee!!!

But once again………let’s not put the cart before the donkey. (BTW, I love donkeys, check out this Instagram feed if you do, too.) I still have a few points rattling around my brain that might need to become minor scenes or added info bits. I’m definitely prepared for the possibility of more tweakage. That’s one reason I need this reset; to detach my brain from the project so I’m able to sharpen my focus when I return to reviewing the story.

Also, since this is Book 2, with Book 3 still to come, I have to look forward to the next story and build into TB any relevant details and teasers. Whee again, but not in the good way; this is more like: “Whee, what the hell was I thinking when I decided to write a series??!!”

All I can say, though, is I’m committed now. Or wait, is that supposed to read: “I should be committed now”? Probably. The men in the white jackets are waiting behind me to carry  me away. Here we go again.

Doc Stormtroopers

Just kidding already. What I really mean is I’m committed to telling you good stories, ones I hope entertain, excite, and engage you. If that takes more time and research than I’d originally planned so be it, as long as the outcome satisfies me and you. Thanks for your patience on that score.

Well, dear readers and friends, that’s about all she wrote for the time being. I’m not heading back to edits just now—whew, what a relief to say that’s done for the moment!—but it is time for a little walk to free the brain for some Book 3 brainstorming. Hmm … I’m finally excited to get started again. Yippee!

Before I go, tell me in the comments section below how you reset. Writing-wise, this was something I couldn’t do until the timing jived with completing a certain portion of my writing, but personally speaking, we all need periodic resets, too. Last week, I took my first, solo Me Day in years. It was fabulous and so necessary. Perhaps I’ll blog on that soon, too. In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you do to reset, so please fire away. Thanks again for reading and joining the convo.

Beach reset